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Bird Hide

There’s a wealth of birds to spot around Green Park, particularly around Longwater Lake. Comorants, Grey Herons, Greylag Geese, Blackbirds, Swans and Mallards are just a few which make Green Park their home.

To encourage birds to the area, we have ensured there’s numerous bird boxes placed amongst the trees around the estate. In 2022/23 the number of occupied bird boxes increased 7%, from 42% to 49%.

For those who enjoy birdwatching, we have a bird hide close to the lake giving excellent views of the water and one of the main islands, which the birds nest on.

On 16th October 2019, bird expert, Brian Clews and those who attended the Nature Walk heard the beautiful calling of a Cetti’s Warbler. Cetti’s Warbler is a nationally scarce species, with a small number of hotspots elsewhere in the county. With only 2000 pairs UK-wide, we hope that Green Park will become a breeding site for this bird.