Nature Walk around Green Park

12th of July - 1st of January
100 Longwater Avenue

Brian Clews, a renowned expert on birds, will be giving a talk on the wildlife which can be found on Green Park.

Join Brian Clews, a renowned expert on birds, who will be giving a talk on the wildlife which can be found on Green Park. This will be include a walking tour of the Park.

Brian is a published author of many books about birds and wildlife found in and around Berkshire.

Attendees may benefit from bringing along a set of binoculars with them as the tour will include looking at slightly more distant waterfowl/egrets or any birds flying over, not to mention the smaller animals such as dragonflies by the lake.

Although this event will be taking place over two hours, attendees are not exptected to stay for the full two hours if their diaries do not allow this.

We will be hosting three nature walks in 2018:
22 March, 12:00 – 14:00
12 July, 18:00 – 20:00
4 October, 12:00 – 14:00