
Household items that double up as workout equipment

Short of space at home? Don’t want to spend lots of money on gym equipment? We’ve put together a list of innovative excercises you can do using household items.

There’s no denying that working out helps to reduce stress and anxiety so, don’t let anything stop you from getting your sweat on! There are plently of items you can use from around your home as an alternative for workout equipment.

Bicep curls using tin cans
Targets: Biceps
Technique: Hold a tin can in each hand at the sides with palms facing in toward the side of the thigh and arms straight down. Position the feet comfortably about shoulder-width apart. Lift one tin can towards the shoulder, rotating the arm as it moves up so that the palm with the tin can is now facing upward and the elbow is pointing to the ground with the forearm almost vertical. Keep the elbow close to the body. Exhale while lifting. Lower to the side position and perform the same movement with the other arm. Inhale while lowering the weight. Continue to alternate until the set is complete.

Deadlifts using your laundry basket
Targets: Glutes, hamstrings, core
Technique: Fill your laundry basket so it is a suitable weight to lift. Stand tall with your feet roughly hip-distance apart. Hold your laundry basket in both hands directly in front of your thighs with your hands shoulder-distance apart. Start with a very slight bend in your knees. Roll your shoulders back, drawing your shoulder blades toward your spine to engage your upper back. Inhale and press your hips back. Keep the basket close to your thighs as you hinge forward from the hips. Your arms should hang naturally down (elbows extended), but they should remain engaged to keep the basket close to you. Exhale and use your hamstrings and glutes to “pull” your torso back to standing as you actively press your hips forward. You should not use your back or core to pull yourself back to standing. Repeat and complete your set.

Single-leg squats using a bench, chair or sofa
Targets: Quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, calves & abdominals
Technique: Stand roughly two feet in front of a sturdy bench, chair or sofa. Pick up your right foot and place it on the bench behind you. Engage your core and, with your chest high and eyes looking straight ahead, bend your left knee, allowing your right knee and ankle to naturally bend as you move through the downward phase of the exercise without taking on the load with your back leg. Press back to standing by pushing through your left foot and using your left quad and glute to power the upward phase of the exercise. Exhale as you press to standing. Simply step your right foot off the bench or chair after completing a full set to one side. Make sure you keep things even by performing the same number of repetitions and sets to each side.

Walking lunges with a weighted rucksack
Targets: Quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, calves, core
Technique: Fill your rucksackso it is a suitable weight. Stand with your feet roughly hip-distance apart. Check your posture before starting and ensure your torso is upright and tall, core engaged, your shoulders back and chin lifted. Look straight ahead. Take a wide step forward and place your right foot roughly two feet ahead, allowing your left heel to lift naturally as you step forward. You may want to put your hands on your hips, or you may want to swing your arms naturally. Bend both knees and lower your back knee toward the floor. Stop just before it touches down. Press firmly through your right heel and extend your right knee to rise to stand as you lift your left foot from the ground, swinging your left foot forward to plant it about two feet ahead of your right foot. Avoid leaning your torso forward from your hips as you take this step.Continue stepping forward with each lunge, alternating sides as you do. If you find yourself losing balance as you walk, pause at the top of each lunge when your feet are next to each other. Finish your set by bringing your back foot to meet your front foot on the final lunge.